Booking confirmation
Upfront payment is required upon booking. Leworthy Manor Hideaways only accepts booking from persons over 18 years of age. Cancellations and amendments are permitted up to a week in advance (of the check in start time). Stays amended or cancelled a week or less before the arrival date, you will be charged the full amount of the whole stay. For stays cancelled a week or more before the arrival date, you may amend the date or accept a credit note for the value of your stay. This is to be used within 12 months of the original stay date. If we are not able to host your stay you are entitled to a full refund, but you may choose to accept a credit note or a postponement. Please note that if you accept a credit note this cannot be refunded at a future date. We recommend taking out travel insurance to cover the event of a cancellation.
Arrival and Departure
Your accommodation will be available to you from 4.00pm on the day of arrival. Check out time is 10am on the day of your departure. These timings are so we can air the hideaways and clean them thoroughly to ensure we are complying with Covid guidelines. On departure your hut and the site are to be left clean and tidy. Keys must be left as arranged on your arrival. All rubbish/recycling is to be tidied responsibly and put in the correct bins provided. Please check you haven’t left anything. Thank you!
Breakages and Damage
A degree of normal wear and tear is to be expected but should any significant damage or breakage happen during your stay you will be held responsible and liable to a charge equal to the lowest current market value. We reserve the right to charge for excessive cleaning where the hideaways have been left in an unacceptable condition.
Mr & Mrs H Andrews accept no responsibility for injury incurred anywhere on the site or in the hideaway. Swimming, water-based activities and fishing in and on the lake are permissible at your own risk; and Mr & Mrs H Andrews hold no responsibility for drowning, injury or illness.
Guests will be held responsible for any fire, damage or alteration to the hideaways or other parts of the site caused by negligence. Tea lights and unenclosed candles are strictly forbidden inside or outside the huts, please use candle holders and lanterns provided. Please do not leave anything on or rested against the wood burners.
Stolen Property
You are responsible for your property including your car whilst you are staying at Leworthy Manor Hideaways and we do not accept any responsible for your personal effects.
Leworthy Manor Hideaways is subject to strict no smoking policy inside the hideaways and pollution or damage from smoking will result in a charge to ensure the hideaway is returned to a satisfactory standard. Smoking outside the hideaway is permitted but guests are responsible for the safe and tidy disposal of their cigarette butts, please don’t litter the surrounding area.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate dogs and pets.
Code of Conduct
No audio players are permitted outside of the accommodation. Guests agree to not act in any way which would cause disturbance to other guests or nearby residents. In exceptional circumstances we reserve the right to ask a party to leave if there is repeated noise and a request to keep things tranquil is ignored. This would mean the terms of our contract with you has been breached so there will be no refund.
Customer complaints
In the first instance of a complaint please speak to us directly either in person or call us on 07854517816 so we can resolve your problem. If you are unable to do so or wish to do so once you have left, please address any correspondence regarding complaints to Mr & Mrs H Andrews at Leworthy Manor, Holsworthy, Devon EX226SJ or [email protected]. Please note, complaints received after 14 days from the end of your stay cannot be reliably investigated.